Published by Andrea Heuston, Award-winning CEO, Keynote Speaker, Author
Original article can be found HERE.
Two weeks ago, I posted an article to LinkedIn by Steve Wiens. It is titled, “AN ODE TO WOMEN WHO ARE TOO MUCH.” I have often been categorized as “too much.” The response to the article has been amazing, so thank you to Steve Wiens for recognizing that strong women are necessary to this world.

Strong women are often called assertive. They are straightforward about their wants and needs. They often rub people the wrong way. However, women who are strong are complex. They may have a background that has created the need to BE GRITTY, TENACIOUS, AND PASSIONATE in a way that other people take offense to.
Many of us have been interpreted as demanding or even bossy. But the truth is that strong women can also be very sensitive and thoughtful. Here are eight things that I believe a strong woman brings to all of her encounters:
She stands up for herself. Strong women are outspoken when it comes to confronting others about being treated poorly. When an injustice has taken place, they speak up rather than let it roll off.
She invests in herself. Whether it’s learning something new, pushing themselves to be healthier, or taking a big step outside their comfort zone, these women know that investments they make for themselves and their life offers guaranteed dividends.
She has boundaries. When a strong woman makes decisions, she checks in with herself first to see if she really wants to do it and has the time and space to invest in an opportunity. She says yes to opportunities which strengthen herself and no to those that diminish.
She celebrates other women. Strong women encourage other women. They focus on recognizing and celebrating the strengths they see in other women. She is vocal in her support.
She knows her worth. While she doesn’t always feel beautiful, intelligent, charming, interesting or even strong, she knows that she always brings value. When she finds herself in a situation with someone who devalues her, she’ll either make it known or leave at the first opportunity.
She doesn’t rely on others’ opinions about her life. While she may internalize negativity, she makes an effort to let the negative comments pass and doesn’t allow the remarks of others to stop her from what is right for her. She understands that negativity says more about the person flinging it than it does about her.
She is confident. Most strong women have a well-defined sense of identity, and their actions are in line with their morals and beliefs. They do not have a need to win others over as much as they need to stay true to their own beliefs.
She decides to be strong. There isn’t a woman among us who has not experienced fear, anxiety, insecurity and other negative emotions that can tear us down. Strong women choose to commit to themselves. We truly embrace the idea that we will never give anything, or anyone, the power to break us.
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